Guide to Using Tickets

Ticket Types

Basic Fare tickets (one-way, round trip or connected train ride)
One-way tickets
Tickets from Station A to B.
Round trip tickets
Tickets for return journeys between stations A and B on the same route.
Connected Train Ride tickets
Tickets for journeys from Station A to C via B, where neither one-way nor round trip tickets are applicable.
Commuter tickets
Limited Express commuter tickets
Coupon tickets
Group tickets
general, student, overseas tourist
Privately hired carriage tickets

Besides the above, special packages that combine train tickets and express tickets are also available.

Ticket Release Dates

Passenger Tickets

Release date

As a rule, tickets are sold on the date of travel. If purchasing reserved seat tickets at the same time, they are sold one month in advance.

Where tickets are sold

JR Train Stations

As a rule, tickets can be purchased at your departure station, but they are also available at any JR station if you purchase reserved seat tickets together. (Tickets departing from any station are available from JR Shikoku Tour branch (JR Shikoku Travel Service Center) and major travel agencies.)

Reserved Tickets (Limited Express, Green Car, Sleeper Car, and Reserved Seat Tickets)

Release dates and time

Reserved tickets are released at stations and travel agencies from 10:00 am one month before (the same day as the previous month) the train leaves the departure station. Once released, reserved tickets are available during station and travel agency business hours. Please buy them during the office hours of respective sales offices. Please note that reserved tickets may not be available at certain times of the day, even during office hours.

If there is no same day in the previous month, the following applies.

Train departure datesMar 29, 30, 31May 31July 31Oct 31Dec 31
Reserved ticket release datesMar 1May 1July 1Oct 1Dec 1